Featured collection

Indulge In New Creations!
The colorful Parisian macarons sandwiched with a creamy filling are the most recognizable and well-known macarons today.
Lady Belle created a unique macaron by taking elements from various French regional macarons to create a "new" old-fashioned version that takes indulgence to the next level. We have 6 flavor profiles that pair well with your favorite coffees and teas. And, as with our Parisian Macarons, they are gluten free!

Our Food Network Winning Macarons!
If our brand of Belle Macarons by Lady Belle have what it takes to win over Buddy to distribute them nationwide through Carlo's Bakery, surely, they can win your discriminating taste buds too!
They're the perfect, unique and delicious gift to contribute to a party or to give to a special someone, even if that special someone is you!